080 0633 5833 info@mccabels.com
  • Unique Outsourced Health Care Service

  • Unique Outsourced Health Care Service

  • Unique Outsourced Health Care Service

  • Unique Outsourced Health Care Training

Our Health Care Services

Healthcare Services
We provide temporary staff cover in the folloing areas

Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care, also known as Home care is the delivery of a range of personal care and support services to individuals in their own homes.

When we take on your support, we will carry out needed assessments, homecare risk assessment, Lone working risk assessment and we provide you with complete assessment report.

Personal care plan and full job description for the support and we will supply you with support workers that can meet your necessary needs.  

 24 Hours Support Services

We can provide you with a range of staffing needs depending on your requirements and assessment that we would have carried out. Many people prefer this service because they still wish to remain in their own environment, maintain greater independence and choice, maintain flexibility and have a high level of care. However, either they do not want the carer to move in or do not have extra room for a carer to stay, they go for the 24Hours support service.

Live-in Care Support Services

We offer Live-in care designed to offer you the best care package at home and personalized services with great flexibility while maintaining your independence as well as your active participation in the community. You will be assured that you are being supported by experienced team of staff that would meet a full assessment of your need and risk assessments. This service allows you to remain in the comfort of your our own home.

Training Centre

We organize comprehensive training on Health and Social Care, Manual Handling, Health and Safety, First Aid, Fire Awareness, COSHH, Medication among others to ensure that our carers/staff are detailed oriented to be able to meet the required standard of the regulatory authorities. 

1. To ensure that we render an unparallel and reliable service that you can rely on.

2. To ensure that we supply staff that is well trained and motivated for the job.

3. To respond to staff cover request within 30minutes with a candidate.

4. To ensure that all complaints are resolved promptly and satisfactorily too.

5. To ensure that we continuously evaluate our services through quality monitoring programme and incorporate new good practices that we receive through your feedback.

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